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Giengen a.d.B.

Informations > Instruments

The Link Organ of the Ev.Stadtkirche at Giengen-an-der-Brenz (Germany)

The Link organ of the Evangelische Stadtkirche in Giengen an der Brenz - the firm's Op. 450 - is one of the best preserved instruments of the Reger period; as such, it is ideally suited to the realisation of the Bavarian composer's music. Its 51-stop, 3-manual and pedal specification offers a wide-ranging tonal palette, from the most delicate to the loudest, most powerful sounds. Gebrüder Link established themselves in Giengen in 1851; the organ in the Ev. Stadtskirche - their largest at the time - was built in 1906 to the highest standards of construction, and was fitted with the latest technological innovations; it underwent further, major restorations in 1974 and 2006.

FUG 046

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